Herrickville Wesleyan Church’s Sunday morning average attendance is 75 with an average of 55 in attendance for Sunday School. There are 20 individuals that attend various small groups throughout the week. We are a multi-generational church with many of the adults blue collar as well as professional worshipers with a strong educational background.
The church building is well maintained with upwards to 150 able to be in attendance. The Education Building boasts 7 Sunday School rooms as well as a fellowship hall that seats around 100 people. It has a kitchen and an open area for meals and events. We also have a quaint pavilion. The church has a pastor’s study as well as the business office.
The parsonage is a two story farmhouse with a new addition. There are five bedrooms and two bathrooms with many modern updates.
Herrickville is located in a rural area of Bradford County, Pennsylvania. We have thriving small towns within 15-45 minutes of the community. These towns offer great places to shop and dine. We recently had fiber-optic internet installed in our community which will enhance our ability to communicate, spread the gospel, and upgrade our worship service. Our scenic, rural community provides exciting options for hiking, running, kayaking, fishing, hunting, and more.