Port Ann Wesleyan Church is located at 2856 Troxelville Road, Middleburg, Pa. The church membership is 46. We have 55 families on the church mailing list. The average Sunday morning worship attendance is 45-60. Sunday school currently starts at 9 a.m. and our Sunday service at 10 a.m. There is currently no Sunday PM service but there is a Wednesday service with youth and Awana and their attendance is between 25 and 35.
The age makeup of the congregation is 11 under the age 12, 3 between 13-17, 22 between 18-30, 12 between 31-45, 30 between 46-60 and 30 over 60. There are six or more people with college degrees.
The church property is located 3 miles west of the village of Penns Creek. It sits on approximately 4 acres of land. The parsonage, which is a ranch style home located beside the church, sits on 1.25 acres. The church is a one-story structure made up of a 3,200 square foot sanctuary, 2,650 square foot Christian ed and kitchen area and a 1,540 square foot fellowship hall. Outside there is a 1,530 square foot pavilion, gaga pit, and playground with a volleyball area and a 2.5-acre field that provides parking for outside activities (ex. fall festival).
The parsonage is a 1,600 square foot ranch style home built in 1990, with kitchen, dining room, living room, 1½ baths, 3 bedrooms, and an office on the first floor. The basement has a finished bedroom with a full bathroom. This was added to provide housing for missionaries and evangelists. There is a 2-car garage.
The village of Penns Creek has a population of 680 people with a mini market/gas station, two churches, two used car lots, and one Christian school. The next closest towns are about 10 minutes from the church. Middleburg is a community of 1,300 people, has a high school and middle school, grocery store, two mini market/gas stations, two doctor’s offices, a dentist office, two banks, and a few small restaurants. Middleburg is the county seat for Snyder County. The other town is Mifflinburg which has a population of 3,400 people. It also has a high school, middle school, and elementary school and numerous restaurants, gas stations and grocery stores and doctor’s offices.
There are three colleges located within 30 minutes of the church. All are private schools. Our area is a farming/agriculture area made up of dairy, hog, and chicken farms. There are at least five home manufacturers within 35 minutes of the church, and two kitchen cabinet manufacturers within 15 minutes of the church. These factories employ close to 1,500 people.
Two of the big community events the church promotes is a fall festival around Halloween with 400-500 in attendance and an Easter egg hunt with about 200-250 in attendance. The last three pastors here at Port Ann were Rev. Paul Sheets (17 years), Rev. James Leininger (20 years) and Rev. Richard (Dick) Williams (2-3 years). Both Pastor Sheets and Leininger retired after their service here.
Church vision
At Port Ann Wesleyan we walk in expectation and longing of the following vision:
1. Corporate worship time to be Spirit-filled and Spirit-led.
2. Worship to be a pleasing aroma to our God, the maker of the Universe.
3. Times of worship to follow scripture and instill morals, principles, and values modeled by the only perfect One – Jesus Christ.
4. A body of Christ that seeks to meet individuals at their greatest place of need.
5. Scriptural teaching and biblical standards that are taught to all ages.
6. Studies offered in various formats reaching all hearts- lost and found.
Jesus said: “Let the little children come unto me,” and we do not take this lightly. We faithfully commit our resources to reaching hearts at a tender young age. We desire to offer activities that excite and entice young children and teens to not just take part in our worship, but to grow in our worship, inviting others to join children and youth activities. We desire to create a chain effect of reaching young hearts for Christ.
It is of utmost importance to have unity in the body of Christ to us. If we remain aligned to scripture and modeling the perfect life of Christ, we will walk in humble unity. To love and forgive one another at the time of offense, and seeking restoration in our relationships is our desire as a church body. We will strive to work together, as a body of believers, with one goal for the glory of God. We believe in the gifting of all believers, and we strive to encourage all talents, all gifts, and all hearts of service to be made known, validated, and involved.
“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” May we share Jesus now, and everyday – by the testimony of our daily lives, the sharing of the hope of Jesus and the Word of God. Let our Church be known by our “Love for Jesus first, and secondly our Love for each other and our community.”
May we always invite Jesus to take the lead.
Our area is great for hunting and fishing, rails to trails cycling, and is part of the Appalachian Trail in Eastern Pennsylvania for those who are into hiking and biking.
The church and adjacent parsonage are located at the foot of Jack's Mountain, offering natural beauty throughout each season. The mountain runs to the Tall Timbers and Snyder-Middleswarth Natural Area, which is home to picnic spots and a 3.4-mile hiking loop to an extensive stand of old-growth hemlock, along Swift Run in Bald Eagle State forest.
Check out our full community profile with listing of links to the local school, grocery stores, attractions and other community resources as provided by our local visitor bureau.
* The congregants of Port Ann Wesleyan were asked in late October 2022 to prayerfully fill out a survey of qualities they felt were essential in an incoming pastor and his/her family. Their responses were incorporated into many of the following points. While we know that no one candidate will embody every one of these qualities, we feel they provide a good benchmark and vision for an ideal applicant.
Personal qualities
Professional qualities
Pastoral qualities and roles
Leadership qualities and roles