Herrickville Wesleyan Church (HWC) is in a period of healthy transition, as we seek God’s direction for our next pastor. Our mission at HWC is to love and obey Christ, to see our church body grow by knowing and obeying God’s Word, and to glorify God in all things. We desire to pass our faith, which touches every aspect of our lives, to our children and to reach our community in Herrickville and the surrounding area with the gospel. We seek to accomplish this by training up the men of our congregation to be the leaders, providers, protectors, and priests of their homes as they also serve their families and others in the name of Christ. We would also love to see continued growth in godliness, contentment, and wisdom as our women serve in their homes, in our church, and in our community in the name of Christ.
The members of HWC desire to serve one another and want to see others come to faith in Christ. We have a very diverse age range within our church. Our weekly attendance includes 75 people on average for morning worship and 55 on average for Sunday School. We have a strong Sunday School program that is blessed with many gifted teachers for young and old alike. As a congregation, we desire to be shepherded by a man that has a true devotion to our Lord Jesus which generates a bold integration of biblical principles into every area of life. We long to grow in obedience to God’s ways and to see our faith in Jesus be passed to the next generation. There is a strong family atmosphere at HWC where love and concern for each other is evident.
Our pastor will be responsible for preaching 46 (+/-) Sundays per year. His teaching should encourage our faith family to love and obey God in practical ways and to spread the gospel. His preaching should be Bible based and courageous; regularly pushing back against the nominal christian culture and the sin that is so prevalent in our society.
The pastor will be responsible, in conjunction with the board, to make sure those in charge of other ministries in the church are committed and serving well. We view the pastor to be a first among equals with the board. Our hope is that the church board and the pastor will work together to advance God’s Kingdom so that the pastor will not become overwhelmed trying to take on all the ministry responsibilities by himself. We envision that our pastor will work with us to define a clear vision for how we can best reach our community and grow in the future.
HWC offers a competitive salary, health insurance, and housing allowance. This is a full-time position.
Mallory Wesleyan Church is looking for a pastor to shepherd a small and deeply spiritual congregation at a well-established church....
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